Our analysis tools show you the best time historically to buy is to sell.
The basic idea is: For example, if a stock always rises by an average of 8% every October,
there is a very high probability that it will also rise by 8% the next October.
For everyone, timing is a very important factor in optimizing profits.
And for a constant success, the repeatability of the approach is crucial.
There are many reasons for the price of a share to rise.
What is much more interesting is whether the price rises every time.
If a stock always rises by an average of 8% every October, there is a very high probability that it will also rise by 8% the next October.
These are the very good entry points for you.
You can identify recurring pricing patterns with our Seasonality Screener. We help you find recurring patterns with annual hit rates of over 90%.
With our professional analysis tools, you can view the details with just a few clicks.
Identifying trading & investing chances has never been easier.